Michael P. Fergus, DC, DACBR, RMSK
Chiropractic Radiologist
Diagnostic Imaging Interpretation
Dr. Fergus is always available to provide quality consultations for you diagnostic imaging needs.
I am able to provide my service on a fee-for-service basis or bill the patient's insurance.
I am available to provide interpretations one both conventional and digital x-rays. Please contact me for details.
Diagnostic Imaging Consultation
Detailed and accurate reports on diagnostic imaging
I am equipped to provide professional interpretations of your diagnostic imaging.
I have significant experience performing interpretations of:
Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound
The cost of the interpretations is a monthly fee-for service charge. This can be negotiated with large volume discounts available.
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
Will provide hand on education in the performance of diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound
If interested in bringing this unique diagnostic modality to your practice, please contact me. I would work in either small group or one-on-one sessions on ultrasound technique for the musculoskeletal system. This would include not only technique, but also an understanding of pathology and ideas on ways to incorporate it into your practice.